Creating a Design Plan for the client as a Clinic

Making a Design Plan for your client as a Clinic.

Suppose you want to design a scheduled mental health programme for your Client before assigning them to a Care Provider. Design Plans can help you with it. Clinics can plan ahead weeks of homework so the Care Providers will have less to worry about during their mental health Sessions. Please note, Design Plan is an advanced feature and using it demands a good knowledge of the system, for making a Design Plan a Clinic should follow these instructions:

1- Request URL:

2- Request Method Type:

3- Body

{ "appointmentDesc": "test1", "appointmentTitle": "test1", "caregiverId": 46, "clinicId": 2, "createdDate": "12/8/20 4:05 PM", "planName": "test1", "weeks": [ { "assignments": [ { "assignReminds": [ { "reminderDay": 1, "time": "17:10" } ], "bookId": 3 } ], "name": "week1", "ordering": 1 } ] }

Body Description

Parameter NameParameter TypeDescription
nameStringThe name for the design plan, which is mandatory
createDateDate[yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm]Date of creation
appointmentTitleStringThis title will be used for creating new Sessions according to this design plan
appointmentDescStringThis description will be used for creating new Sessions according to this design plan
weeksListA list of Week Models which describes following weeks of the plan for the Client

4- Additional Models you need to know:

1- WeekModel{ “name”: [String], “ordering: [Integer], “assignments”: [List]}
2- AssignmentModel{ “assignReminds”: [List], “bookId”: [Long] }
3- AssignRemindModel{ “reminderDay”: [Integer], “time”: [String] }
4- DesignPlanModel{ “id”: [Long], “planName”: [String], “createdDate”: [Date(jsonified)], “appointmentTitle”: [String], “appointmentDesc”: [String], “clinicId”: [Long], “caregiverId”: [Long], “weeks”: [List] }

A complete example of an API call:

curl -X POST "" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjM3NTgyMDY0NDQsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6ImxhbGVoQG9wdHQuY2EiLCJhdXRob3JpdGllcyI6WyJDTElOSUMiXSwianRpIjoiMjU5NTgwMTAtZWVkMC00MThkLTlmNzctZWU1YzA3OWU0Mzc3IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoib3B0dC0wMmVlNzdkYy1hYzQ1LTQzNDQtODE3ZS0xN2NhNTJiNThiNWQiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJyZWFkIiwid3JpdGUiXX0.Qx07ooEYUh_i6p-ieR1w__IKj8AxIC7qeOXRHYRqJkh1IYo_wGmM1zv_qaiB9e9Gxk9yob8NalQsyJ5Knte08vyEg3bAF94fey1rXBjbmgwsLtz9lH2GaIqyw030vCv7fbbw1q-R2-drM31dRmhRy981gykA0Vo-F2ypOnYeu7FcJJxLGVs8Tu4bImCDNsKeqkCj81R_j3YFu1uigYjPbWzCRFG6xKATJrGU-fFhbr_m-WpiIIFZCoi12EK18C_Ikf1ClBDk78GHYEs6NFb4hH7Hmd5yQjDHwtgQb78uzWMUS7jQYtYw7W3tULCT3K_FZRJBNwMxWAbRMHQVcLoFRA" -H "offset: 1" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"appointmentDesc\": \"test1\", \"appointmentTitle\": \"test2\", \"caregiverId\":46, \"clinicId\": 2, \"createdDate\": \"02/10/20 02:29 PM\", \"planName\": \"tets\", \"weeks\": [ { \"assignments\": [ { \"assignReminds\": [ { \"reminderDay\": 1, \"time\": \"20:10\" } ], \"bookId\": 26 } ], \"name\": \"test\", \"ordering\": 1 } ]}"


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