This page will help you get started with Awesome New API.
You must copy the API key for each roll and when calling API you must use it in the Authorization filed:
Terminology and References:
1- Client: Clients are the main users of the application. They are patients who have asked for mental health treatment from a Clinic and have been assigned to a Care Provider for receiving the appropriate mental health care.
2- Care Provider: Care Providers are the main workers of the system, mental health staff who can be assigned to the program by Clinics, or by other Care Providers to deliver the mental health care to the Clients.
3- Clinic: Represents a mental health clinic with Care Providers as it’s mental health staff and Clients as it’s patients. In this system, Care Providers are not bound to a single Clinic,
they can change their Clinics on the go (one Care Provider can work with multiple Clinics).
4- Institute: An Institute consists of a group of Clinics and is the main organization
of the unit, that contains everything in our definition of a medical institute.
5- Session: A period of time that the Care Provider defines for a certain Client to become the subject of the mental health care which is in the form of Assignments. In this period of time, other Care Providers can also take part in delivering mental health care to that certain Client. Sessions can be planned. This helps both Clients and Care Providers to know their schedule in advance.
6- Assignment: Assignments are the homework that Care Providers assign to their
Clients. Including surveys and tests which inform Care Providers about the Clients’ mental health conditions and their progress over the period of the assigned Session.
7- Book: Books contain all the information about the questionnaires and files which are used in the Assignments.
8- Feedback: Feedback is Care Providers' opinion on a completed assignment by the patient. Feedback can be submitted for each session. Clients can also comment on the Feedback received from their Care Provider.
9- Comment: Clients can ask their questions about the Feedback by adding a Comment on the Feedback for each Session. Also, other Care Providers can add replies to that Comment on the same thread.
10- Note: Note is a quick comment from a Care Provider on their Client’s performance during a Session of mental health care.
11-1- Design Plan: A feature that allows the Care Provider to plan for the desired number of weeks by scheduling the sessions and assigning the assignments to their Clients. One Clinic can generate one template Design Plan for its Care Providers and assign that specific Design Plan to the Clients accordingly.
11-2-Week: Design Plans allocate units of homework to the number of weeks defined in the plan. Each Week has its own ordering which is indicated by the number of weeks in the Design Plan. Each Week unit has several Assignments consisting of homework and questionnaires for Clients to complete.
Workflow Summary:
OPTT system consists of one or more Institutes that divide into multiple Clinics, each Clinic has several Clients who are assigned to the Care Providers for receiving mental health care. Clients are bound to the clinic to which they are registered, but this is not the case for Care Providers. Care Providers can be assigned to several Clinics in an Institute. The basic work of a Clinic is the evaluation of the Client’s mental health conditions through Assignments. Specific questionnaires should be answered by Clients and get reviewed by Care Providers each session. After receiving the completed Assignments, Care Provider(s) evaluate the answers. They can consult with each other, using the “Discussion” section. Entering a conversation with Clients is possible through commenting on the Feedback section to provide them with any advice or answer to their questions.
General rest error model:
Generally, you can interpret these error codes throughout the document as thus: